Whether you’re looking to drop me a message about something you’ve seen on the site, something you’d like to raise from one of my YouTube videos, or you’d like to create a professional relationship and work together, I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me by filling out the below from and clicking the ‘Submit’ button, or you can also e-mail me direct at hello@fraseratsea.com - I really will look forward to hearing from you!

I do get some messages enquiring about means of financial support and, if you fall into this bracket, let me start by thanking you from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to make a smaller one-off pledge, you can do this quickly and easily using the ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ button further down the page, which allows you to send a donation worth roughly the cost of a cup of coffee from your local coffee shop. If you’d like to pledge a higher amount, you can do this here also (and again, thank you!).

If you’re currently a viewer (or reader in the case of this website!) and you’d like to take our friendship to the next level, then I’d love to meet you over on my Patreon site. Patreon is a monthly subscription service designed to allow individuals to sign up via a monthly pledge, in exchange for a range of monthly perks and benefits. To explore my offerings, just CLICK HERE to be taken across to Patreon. I should add that I often receive a large number of messages - I will always prioritise messages received through Patreon, and will always aim to respond to these within 24 hours, if not in ‘real time’.

If you have any questions at all about anything on Patreon, please remember that I’m only a message away on any of my platforms - I’m always more than happy to answer any questions that you have!